Review 已上市
2011.03.15 飄邈之旅 Online (Open Beta公測)
Developer: Zealot Digital
研發: 智冠科技-高雄研發中心&智冠科技-智樂堂
Publisher: Gameflier
代理: 新幹線
TV Ad 電視廣告
The novel "飄邈之旅" inspired this online game.
It has a system called "internal force mastering" that are popular in china.
According to the system and art style, it's more like a online game made in china.
Real man 3D show 真人 3D 武俠開場秀
Interactive TV Ad in Hong Kong 香港的廣告,有互動的影片
2011.03.22 Lord of Key* 神鑰王Online - 2nd Job 神轉2勢力
Developer: Wayi
2nd Job Intro Video 改版介紹影片
TV Ad 原電視廣告
Release 2nd Job, new instances, new maps and up to level 60 information.開放二轉職業、新副本、新地圖,等級也開放到60級。
Lord of Key and 81 keys are very much alike? Yes, some people think of:
神鑰王跟 81 keys 很像? 沒錯,有人也作以下稱呼:
Lord of Key = International Edition of 81 keys.
神鑰王 = 81 keys 國際版
Lord of Key = Full Edition of 81 keys.
神鑰王 = 81 keys 完成品
Lord of Key = Refinement Edition of 81 keys.
神鑰王 = 81 keys 改良版
*. It may not be the official translation.
2011.03.23 Texas Hold'em Poker* 德州撲克 (Taiwanese Version台灣版) (Close Beta封測)
Developer: IGS
研發: 鈊象電子
This game is the first web game made in IGS that publish in facebook since IGS created "PalPark", a social game brand.
鈊象自創"PalPark" 社交遊戲品牌,首款打進 Facebook 的網頁遊戲。
Texas Hold'em Poker could be a trend while mahjong games flood the gamble online-game market.
I hope this game can hold events continually and create more local features.
*. It may not be the official translation.
2011.03.23 Soul of Magic 希望之光 Online (Close Beta封測)
Developer: Lager
研發: 雷爵
TV Ad 電視廣告
這電視廣告好歹說一下遊戲特色嘛 XD
You can use magic card in fight..
There are also many funny rides to ride.
Train Ride 誰來開火車呢 |
2011.03.24 Sword of Nine Sky* 九天之劍 (Open Beta 公測)
Developer: E-Shine Technology
研發: 英耀科技
Publisher: Unalis
代理: 松崗科技
The same publisher of web game "Au Jian*".
This game focus on play easily and play anywhere, you can even play it on your phone!
Rumor: Is this a modified version of "Au Jian"?
謎之聲: 難不成這是在前作聽到的意見?
*. It may not be the official translation.
Upcoming 未上市
2011.?? Glory Destiny 晴空物語
Developer: X-Legend
研發: 傳奇網路
Official Teaser Web形象官網 |
It's a more cute online game than "Finding Never Legend", a product of the same developer.
You can change your body from human to kinds of legendary beast in fight.
Since "Finding Never Legend " is so hot now, maybe it will not coming soon.
2011.?? Meogo* 萌谷帝國 Online
Developer: UserJoy
研發: 宇峻奧汀
Story Preview Video 故事篇
There is cute animal caravan called "Meogo caravan".
Since jobs and skills are related with trend (games, news), it maybe caused a sensation.
*. It may not be the official translation.
Gameplay Trailer 遊戲畫面
Job - Fisher 職業介紹 - 神拳漁者
Job - Farmer 職業介紹 - 死靈農夫