2011年5月2日 星期一

2011/4 - 2011/5 Taiwan Online Game 好國產,不玩嗎?

Review 已上市

2011.04.13 Finding Neverland 聖境傳說 - New Patch 神祇之池的覺醒

Developer: X-Legend
研發: 傳奇網路

New Patch TV Ad 資料片電視廣告

In this role playing game, nobody is useless because you can change any jobs on demand!

There are also small instances (3-player instance) you can play easy on them.
也不用擔心花太大的時間在副本上, 你可以選擇小至3人的副本。

New Patch:
  • Up to Level 60
  • 等級上限到60級
  • New Species "Frog" *
  • 新種族"蛙人"
  • New Job "Paladin" *
  • 新職業"聖騎士"
  • New Maps: Grace marsh, Hurricane basin, Viper rainforest, Rotten marsh, Honor highlands *
  • 新地圖: 恩惠沼澤,颶風盆地、蝮蛇雨林、腐朽沼澤、榮譽高地
    • New instances: Federal arsenal, Prison, Fist of the punish, Ba Sai frontier *
    • 新地下城副本: 聯邦軍火庫、鐵牢‧制裁之拳、巴賽邊境
    •  Monster Attack System
    • 怪物軍團系統
      *. It may not be the official translation.

      TV Ad Review 原電視廣告

      2011.04.14 Divina 幻月之歌  (Open Beta 公測)

      Developer: Playcoo
      研發: 玩酷科技
      Publisher: Gamania
      代理: 遊戲橘子

      TV Ad 電視廣告

      It was released in Japan first, then go back into Taiwan.

      So the game was dubbed into Japanese.

      You can choose  Horie Yui or Rie Tanaka as the voide of your character.

      "Double Class" is the main feature of this game.

       Demo MV 宣傳影片

      Gameplay Video 遊戲試玩影片

      2011.04.27 Kingdom Heros 三國群英傳 2 Online- New Patch 義氣就要相挺

      Developer: UserJoy
      研發: 宇峻奧汀

      Official Website 官方網站
      New Patch:

      • New instances:The Battle of Guandu, Crossing Five Passes and Slaying Six Generals *
      • 新高等副本: 官渡之戰、過五關斬六將
      *. It may not be the official translation.

      TV Ad Review 原電視廣告

      2011.04.27 Gladius Regalis 聖劍 Online - New Patch 天空之鑰

      Developer: Chinese Gamer
      研發: 中華網龍

      New Patch TV Ad 改版宣傳影片

      The background in Gladius Regalis was based on Medieval Europe.

      It has a great viual sytle with hand-drwn art.

      If you like SLG, try it !
      如果你喜歡戰略類型的遊戲,試試看這款聖劍 Online!

      New Patch:
      • Up to Level 300 
      • 角色等級上限至300級
      • New Maps: Sky, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind *
      • 新地圖: 天空之城、地之城、水之城、火之城、風之城 
      • New Instances: The vault of heaven, Poseidon, Evil Dragon, Oracle, The Hell *
      • 新副本: 蒼芎密碼、海神、魔龍、神使、墮天
      • New Jobs: Punisher, Contractor, Engineer *
      • 新職業: 裁罰者、契約者、工程師
      • New Powers: Engineer, Angel, Half Dragon, Greek God *
      • 新勢力: 工程師、天使、半龍人、希臘眾神
      • Marriage System
      • 結婚系統
      • Air Battle
      • 空戰系統

      *. It may not be the official translation.

      TV Ad in Japanese Review 原電視廣告日語版

       Gameplay Video 遊戲試玩影片

      2011.04.28 Moego 萌谷帝國 Online (CCB 精英測試)

      Developer: UserJoy
      研發: 宇峻奧汀

      CCB Runs Now 封閉測試開跑

      You don't need to spend a lot of time killing monsters for money and level.

      In Moego,the production system is more important than anything else.

      Enjoy your adventure with adorable animals and your family/guild.

      p.s.  Farmer and Fisher may be just an april fool...

      Demo 遊戲畫面展示

      Upcoming 未上市

      2011.5.4 N3 Online 九十九夜 (Close Beta 封測)

      Developer: UserJoy & Q Entertainment Inc
      研發: 宇峻奧汀 & Q Entertainment Inc

      Trailer  預告影片

      N3 is a 3D ARPG, released on XBOX360 first.
      N3 原本是在 XBOX360 發行的 3D 動作角色扮演遊戲。

      But the system in  "N3 Online" is different from N3, it's a 2D APRG.
      但這款 N3 Online 則不同於原本的 N3 系統,是屬於 2D 的動作角色扮演遊戲。

      Game News Video (Begin at 5:45)  新聞預告影片 (5分45秒處)

      2011.5.6 Saga of Cathay 幻想軒轅 (Close Beta 封測)       

      Developer: X-Legend
      研發: 樂陞科技
      Publisher: OhMyGod
      代理: 歐買尬

      Trailer  預告影片

      Saga of Cathay is a 2D role palying type web game.

      Its background is based on Three-Kingdom Period, The Investiture of the Gods and chinese mythology.

      The art style is Chinese Ink Painting.

